Road to Recovery
to L and Back.

This book is about recovery, not religion – recovery from drugs, alcohol, and mental illness.
If you would like freedom from worry, guilt, and shame, if regret, grief, and sorrow are more than you can bear, this book is for you.

There is a way back.

“My whole life was built upon failures and disasters. The name of Jesus made me fearful and apprehensive until the day I discovered what that name could do for me.”

The Vicious Cycle

The darkness of my life came from four DWIs, a reckless driving account, arrest for disturbing the peace, arrest for public drunkenness, and a restraining order on me from my wife in 1977. I was diagnosed manic-depressive with Psychotic features. Three times, I was admitted to mental wards of privately funded hospitals. Two times, a state judge committed me to Terrell State Hospital for the mentally ill. Alcohol helped me endure the pain of my troubles. Rage and anger proved my points on any subject.
Profit from the book will be used to expand and glorify the Kingdom of God. Please buy several copies if you are able and let your friends know, if you will.
The book is about struggle, recovery, and the love of God.
It is not about addiction, mental illness, alcoholism, bankruptcy, or killing someone, though the stories about such are in the book.
The book is about change. The kind of change that can only happen by repentance, making a U-turn, an upturn from a downward spiral. Jesus is the only way. The true way. The one way to victory.

When the light shines in on our past...

It can light the way for others!

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You may already know of someone in need of this book.  It could be you, a family member, a friend, or friend of a friend.  It does not matter who they are.  Receiving the message and getting on the right path to recovery is a blessing to those who need it.